This week has seemed to be very hectic, as I am working through most of my courses on pace or slightly ahead while still a wee bit behind in French from where i’d like to be, I have had a meeting for the energies ambassadors program, an SLC meeting, the water vortex IDS is starting to move along, an little reading or movement on the non-verbal communications IDS, and the solar panels IDS is looking to be more and more applicable to do. My plan for this weekend is to get some study time in for French and Math as well as my non-verbal communications IDS as I don’t think the book I am currently reading from Mr. Truss is pushing my IDS in the direction I would like, and lastly getting the English poetry assignments for next week done. As I do this this weekend next week I hope to be able to complete the third unit of French, the sixth unit of math, and we are scheduled to complete the poetry unit in English. This behind said there does not look to be a huge amount of time for my second and third IDS’ work next week, so I plan on doing a small experiment for my non-verbal communications IDS before the break so I have a video to study and compare my learning to over the break, so I then also have a resource to reflect my learning on after the break. For my solar panels IDS I would like to get a more in depth look at how different types of solar panels work and the advantages and disadvantages to the different kinds as well as for the micro invertors. For the water vortex IDS we have to pump and little initiative but I would like to keep that rolling by getting the batteries and needed tubing to start our proto-type next week before the break, an this looks like it may take up most of my IDS time next week.
Well, it seems like you have a pretty good idea of where you stand in your courses. I like how you included your goals for the week/end. I would definitely enjoy hearing for about your experiment… 🙂
Haha I am sure I can tell you more about it after it is done as i’d prefer to keep the purpose a secert so the results arent effected by anyone knowing the experiment!